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Webinar 2: How do we use our voices to reach a wider community for AMR?
Webinar 3: How can we take AMR advocacy to the next level, including policymaking?
Webinar 1: Patient Advocacy on AMR in the EU: Where do we begin?
Webinar 1: Patient Advocacy on AMR in the EU: Where do we begin?
IDSA and HIVMA Programs and Opportunities
Conversations with the Academy: Antimicrobial Resistance and the Pharmaceutical Industry
CABI One Health Knowledge Bank webinar: A Variety of Voices on AMR
Communicating Antimicrobial Resistance | ECDC events
Openly accessible resources for the global antimicrobial R&D community
Webinar | Tackling AMR in Europe’s healthcare facilities
Packetized Voice and Audio | Voice Quality Online Seminar
Responding to difficult-to-treat infections I AMR in the Light of COVID-19 Webinar Series